我决定‘抛弃’blogger... ‘拥抱’wordpress...
自言自语 wordpress 新家wah... RM 10,000,000 is 10 million ringgit malaysia!! really bo.... or may b is RM 10,000,000 sales for 5 yrs..?
just now i browse a malaysia website, i saw a details of the previous company, the information should b submited last yr, coz the contact person only work for a yr at the company, and it's 2005. the statement state the sales in malaysia is RM 10,000,000. O.O||| think this is too much, i understand so time we need to put a 'good' figure to show others, but RM 10,000,000 is too much... may b half is still reasonable...
good luck dude, hope u can fight until the end...
yesterday i go to have lunch wit the x-coll, siti, azizee and our bad guy community's undercover. they told me that... the WHOLE marketing team is resigning on august! of coz, the boss's son's gf can't ciao la.... since i work at there for 2 yrs... i will also pray for the company... namo... ah men... allah...
actually i got so so so much things to write down, but i guess i may need few hours so done it in cybercafe. finally i get a pc at office, not a high spec pc but better than the 1st pc i borrowed. i cant juz install the software i need to use, not even a firefox... but of coz i will try to install it quietly... whahahah...
last few days i can't online coz i haven't get the internet access right! oh my god, finally is my turn to b control by others ppl. i spend bout 2.5 days to get the access right... some more it got condition and i guess it's tracked! jesus... make me so scare scare for browsing forum or some comic side... sob* sob* btw, all coll here using yahoo msger, i dun not know why, i try to use the web msn, it's on, no problem, but juz dun know why they do not install it.
my working environment is damn very quiet. most of them bring a headphone to listen to the mp3 or watever, i even saw a coll watching mtv! it's very quiet, like in the exam hall...
几经辛苦,我终于可以使用blursand的手提电脑,来上网写blog了。这个星期的工作环境很不错,基本上我是还没有一个可以让我工作的电脑,所以我的时间还相当的‘空闲’。其实有好多的东西好象记录在这里来,只是有太多了,我写在本本也写了整整六页!好感谢我的project manager 和 senior manager。他们都是好人。谢谢他们。我觉得以后会有比较多的英文日志,应该是吧。 昨天我没有戴领带上班,结果他们告诉我是一定要戴领带的。我有3条领带,一个红色,一个米奇的,一个上课时用的,便想着要多买一条。到了jaya jusco,我看到有好多的选择,有点眼花,一时之间都不知道要选哪一个。结果我摇了个电话给两个女生:blursand和ploytheball和我的大哥。结果...我选了一个结合了他们3人的意见的领带,RM49.90。加一个长袖衣,RM39.00。就这么样,RM90的现钞给了jaya jusco... 一时之间有太多的东西一下涌上脑,都不知道要如何继续...可能会搬新家,那个时候可能会安装宽频,可能吧!谢谢大家!!